Hondurean Elections

In the midst of chaos, protests, there is growing speculation, that points to electoral fraud. The opposition is claiming that there is fraud, given that the count of voted was promised to be finished by Thursday and hasn’t still been culminated. 

There is still 1031 vote acts that weren’t properly filled by the political parties. The vote acts will be revised one by one with the presence of international observers as well as representatives of the political parties. 
46586 votes are in favour of sitting president Juan Orlando Hernandez. This advantage could be challenged with the final recount. 

Salvador Nasralla ( opposition)

Elections in Chile: An overview of 3 of the 8 candidates.

On Sunday’s elections in Chile, there are 8 candidates who are trying to occupy the presidency, which is currently occupied by Michelle Bachelet. 

Sebastián Piñera 

Among those candidates, is former president and the 3rd wealthiest entrepreneur in a Chile, Sebastián Piñera. Piñera, who is currently dominating the polls, left presidency with a 50% approval rate. He has vowed to separate politics from business and has been vocal in criticising the scandals that the current administration has been involved in. He has vowed to better the healthcare system, the quality of life, the public security, as well as transportation. Piñera has also been critisiced for making sexist remarks.

Beatriz “La Bea” Sánchez

There are two journalists, one of them Beatriz Sánchez, without any experience in politics, but who has focused her writing in politics. “la Bea” as she calls herself.

Alejandro Guillier

A sociologist and journalist, Alejandro Guillier, who has been criticised for calling people not to vote on primaries, he is actually behind Piñera in popularity. He promises to fix the pension system, healthcare and the educational reform. 

José Antonio Kast

A lower chamber of Congress legislator, José Antonio Kast, the son of German immigrants, and a lawyer by profession, who defends fervently the Christian values. He opposses abortion and same-sex marriage. He says he wants to “reconstruct” the nation and instill a sense of trust towards politics in the population. 

Certainly, Chile is the most advanced economy in South America, and it would be increasingly interesting to have a fresh face in La Moneda (the government palace of Chile), however, Piñera, has the most experience. 
Sunday will tell us what will happen, should there be a second round of voting, it will take place on 17 December. 

Inflation: Two of the highest nations are Latin American. 

In the years 70-80s, in Latin American; inflation was so high, that people could not afford even the basic necessities to survive. The IMF has evaluated the nation’s that have the highest inflation, eight nations are African and two are Latin American. The African nations consist of Congo, South Sudan, Lybia, Egypt, Angola, Yemen, Sudan and Burundi. 
The Latin nations consist of Venezuela, and Argentina. 1,133% and 22% respectively.

Economists are highly concerned, in Venezuela, inflation has reached such a high number, and crisis has aggravated so much, that people are having trouble obtaining things like medicine, toothpaste, or food items. 

Economies of this kind, are a result of bad economic management, or a major shock, according to Thierry Geiger, chief of analytical and quantitative investigation of WEF. 

In Venezuela, inflation could soar to 2,349%. Venezuelan Government doesn’t seem to preoccupied to assent that there is a crisis. 

In Argentina, though the inflation continues to be higher than normal, the government of Mauricio Macri continúes to work in efforts of reducing inflation. The government also has downplayed the ranking. However, analysts, like Juan Carlos de Pablo, of Universidad de San Andrés, says that Argentina is even in that list with 22% inflation, “es una BARBARIDAD” (A barbarity) 

Canadian ministry of Exterior sanctions Venezuelan Government officials 

The Canadian ministry of Exterior released a list in which it condemns the actions of the members of government in Venezuela. Some of the government officials have been accused of violating human rights in Venezuela and adding to the stress that the country is drowning in. The same shows begin 22nd of September when the government of Canada release the first list of people that were to be sanctioned by the ministry of Exteriors. Some notable members of government that have been added to the second list include two brothers of the deceased Hugo Chávez Frías. The government of Venezuela has responded to this list with displeasement including some members that have taken to social media to express their rejection of the sanctions. 

The minister of exteriors of Venezuela has expressed his displacement with this list and has accused the government of Canada of following imperialist modes; asserting that the government of Canada is taking an ilegal action against the people of Venezuela and their government. 

BREAKING NEWS: Catalán Parlament declares independence from Spain

90% of Catalanes have expressed their support for independence from Spain. 

This morning Eastern time, The Americas woke up to the news that Catalán Parlament had voted to start the process to separate and declare independence from the rest of Spain.

70 votes favouring, 10 against and 2 abstentions;  out of 135. Fifty-three MPs walked out before the vote even took place. This, voicing their disagreement with the idea of Catalunyan independence. 

Catalanes celebrate shortly after the vote.

Shortly thereafter, the Spanish Government deemed the “voting process” unconstitutional and illegal. He called for tranquility of Spanish citizens everywhere and he assured that this motion would not instigate violence in Spain. 

The Spanish Senate voted to put in effect Article 155 of Spanish Constitution, which states: “Any region which seeks autonomy whether is be governmental, economic, or social; and which does so outside of the laws of the constitution can be forced to remain part of the Republic, should the region go against Constitutional laws.” The Senate also gave The President of Government Mariano Rajoy, the authorization to dissolve the Parlament, destitute the Generalitat President Carles Puidgemont; as well as call for elections in the autonomous region. 

Carles Puidgemont casting his vote.

And although the Ley de Transitoriedad Jurídica y Fundacional de la Republica; (a Law voted in favour back in September by the Independentists in Catalunya) has the legal bases to create a separation of Catalunya from Spain, the Tribunal of the Government deemed it unlawful. 

The Government of Mariano Rajoy could have 6 months to destitute Puidgemont and dissolve the Parlament. 

Mariano Rajoy, President of Government of Spain.

President of Government Mariano Rajoy, declared that he will address the nation in a press conference “at night” which should be around 2:30-3:30 pm ET. 
*As of 14:30 ET, Mariano Rajoy has dissolved Parlament and elections will be celebrated 21 December 2017. *

This is a developing story. 

14:11 ET


Santiago Maldonado’s Body found, after months of uncertainty.

The body of Santiago Maldonado has been found after months of not  knowing where he had been. 

September was the scenario for protest in Buenos Aires for the activist’s disappearance. 

Santiago Maldonado, a 28-year old Argentine activist, disappeared after he was last seen in a demonstration that protested to rights of the Manpuche indigenous. His disappearance caused a national shock, in Argentina, where congressional elections are set to take place on Sunday. All electoral campaigns have been suspended in light of the news. His body is being transported to Bs As for identification. His family has declared that the investigation has been completed and that the media outlets respect their privacy at this very difficult time. The family has also requested a post mortem procedure. 

Santiago, whom was last seen in Patagonia, was found near a river bed in the Patagonian region, where the body was found with clothes that the authorities say we’re similar to the ones Santiago was seen wearing before he disappeared. 

According to the authorities, the police had clashed with protesters due to a roadblock that had been erected at Ruta 40, the road that crosses Argentina from North to South. The police denied ever detaining Maldonado, while left wing groups, union leaders and activists had called on Macri’s government to be more proactive in finding him. The government had denied any allegations of covering up the disappearance. 

Macri the offered $30,000 as a reward for any information on his disappearance. Santiago’s brother called for an independent investigation outside of the one, that the Federal police conducted. 
The election results could be impacted by this discovery. 

State Elections in Venezuela: Key numbers. 

23 States will elect new Governor’s in Venezuela, after 4 months of protesting, two of apparent truce, the Venezuelan people will vote this Sunday. 
The country has a horrid economic crisis, high inflation, scarce food, higiene items and access to medicine. The most favorable party, the MUD (Mesa de la Unidad Democrática), which is projected to win 18/23 States. One thing that analysts do encourage, though, is the people’s participation. The PSUV (Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela) is seeking to prevent MUD from winning as well as reduce the desolate feeling among Venezuela’s citizens. 
Some numbers to consider:
23 – Governorates up for elections. (20 in hands of the RBV (Revolución Bolivariana de Venezuela), 3 in the oppositions)

90.2% – of people surveyed believe that the country is in a negative situation. 

75.6% – Thinks that the work of Nicolás Maduro is negative. 

51.7% – is willing to vote for the oppositions and 20.7% are indecisive . 

70.3% –  believe that elections im Venezuela are fraudulent. 

Of the 23 states the most desired, or sought for victory are: Barinas, Bolívar, Carabobo, Miranda y Zulia.

Barinas- Chavez’ homestate. 

Bolivar- biggest state in the nation. Most of jobs are for basic industry. Ilegal mining causes a lot of conflict. 

Carabobo- Big industrial state, particular hub for automobile industry. Most plants are paralized due to the crisis. Alternate between opposition and oficialismo (Chavez-Maduro).

Miranda- Where Caracas is located. Second largest state with electoral population. State  with high violence index. 

Zulia: – Most densely populated state and most electorally registered citizens according to census. Great oil state, due to the access to Lago Maracaibo. 40% of oil production concentrated in Zulia. Opposition state, until Francisco Arias Cárdenas (won in 2012, now seeks reelection)

Ecuador’s youngest VP in the history of the Republic. 

María Alejandra Vicuña, a 39 year old Guayaquilean clinical psychologist, with experience in Marketing and legislation is the new VP of the Republic.

 Vicuña, was appointed by Lenin Moreno, after the ex VP, Jorge Glas, was placed in preventive prison (a probation of sorts) due to his links with corruption cases in the Mega case of Odebrecht. The constitution (the latest one of 20) allows the president to appoint a VP in case of destitution or death. Contrary to the US, where the Speaker of the House assumes the position. 

    Ma. Alejandra Vicuña, graduated from Universidad de Guayaquil with a degree in Clinical Psychology. She later worked for the Servicio de Rentas Internas (IRS), as well as a manager in Marketing in the Tourism Ministry in the Coastal Region.  She was an assemblywoman representing Gye (Guayaquil) in two terms between 2009 and 2017. Lenin Moreno appointed her last May as Minister of Urban Development and Living. 

    She will also have at her hands, the very important task of following the Referendum regarding several national interest topics. Lenin Moreno proposed the Referendum to Ecuadoreans recently. The VP, will be occupying the position “during the temporary time that Ing. Jorge Glas is unable to exercise his duties” as the decree stated. 

Ing. Jorge Glas

      Some analysts consider it very positive that Glas has left the Vicepresidency, since they say that Moreno will greatly benefit from it, given that Lenin Moreno had a disagreement with Glas, which was graciously left behind by Econ. Rafael Correa Delgado, the Republic’s previous president. Moreno currently also has enmity with Correa. This is largely due to the cameras that Correa left behind in the Palace of Carondelet, to spy on Moreno. 

Gareca, who took Argentina to Mexico 1986 WC, could now flip roles on his 1986 feat. 

Ricardo Gareca, a slim, shaggy haired guy who scored a goal in the last ten minutes of the historic Peru-Argentina, (taking Argentina to Mexico 1986) now is the DT for Peru, and his team is set to play Argentina, on Thursday October 5th. 

It was June 1985 and Argentina was losing against Peru 2-1 in a game which Peru showed superiority. In the last ten minutes when Peru could taste the glory of going to the WC again (last time was ’82) and a shot from Pasarella is deviated to the post, and miraculously lands in Gareca’s feet, who en converts that ball into a ticket to Mexico 1986, while Peru stayed with a playoff after losing. 

Argentina and Peru are set to play in La Bombonera (Home stadium to Boca Juniors). Peru has a victorious energy, after defeating Ecuador in Quito for the first time in the teams history (2850m altitude affects the player’s ability to oxygenate the body) and have one more Victory than Argentina (7-6) though they have both 24 pts. Argentina, on the other hand, is defeated, since their tie with Venezuela, playing in Argentina (games played a local, carry more weight if won, and equally more negativity if lost). So Argentina is obliged to win, of not they will lose their opportunity to compete in Russia 2018. 


“Nisman did not commit suicide, he was murdered” Gendarmería Argentina says.

The fiscal Alberto Nisman was one of the members that was in charge of investigating one of the worst attacks in the history of Argentina in the year 1994. The attack was perpetrated against the community centre of Mutual Isareli Asociation of Argentina (AMIA). The attack left 85 people dead many injured and has not been resolved yet. The death of Alberto Nisman in January of 2015 left the entire country sunken in a sea of confusion. The Gendarmería Argentina (Gendarmerie of Arg.) Believes that Nisman was at his apartment, the murders forced themselves in, hit him several times, and drugged him with ketamine. He was obviously left unconscious from the effects of both the drugs and the physical violence. One of the murderers grabbed his head and held him against the bathtub with his torso leaning forward and his knee against the ground while the other murder shot him in the head. He died hours prior to present himself at the Congress to with some evidence that implicated then president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. With all these accusations and these news of possible hypotheses as to Nisman’s death, Fernandez de Kirchner now reemerges in this case. Some of the evidence that Nisman had found and denounced to Congress, was that the Kirchner Government (Nestor Kichner and his wife Cristina, both presidents of the Federal Republic of Argentina) had negotiated with the Iranian government to cover the people who were responsible of carrying out the attack against the community center of Israeli Mutual Association in Argentina. A couple of months after the death of claims were largely ignored in regards to the involvement of the Kirchner government, and was reopened in 2016 after Fernandez left office, and now being investigated again. The possible hypotheses that he had committed suicide or then ruled false sense the investigation did not prove any sort of clues as to him committing suicide to the contrary, his family had claimed that this was a “magnicidio” which refers to the assassination of a very important person in a society whether it’s a president or a member of public office. To investigate all these claims there was an interdisciplinary committee that was established and that ordered the Argentinian gendarmerie to investigate further the death of Nisman and thus was discovered the traces of ketamine and his body. This of course, proves the hypotheses that had been brought up by many people in Argentina; that were debating whether he was someone who committed suicide, due to the pressure of all this work that he had to do in regards to the investigation of the attack; or if he indeed was assassinated by what many people believed to be the Kirchners. 

The themes in this story are still being investigated as new claims come up. 
